"When a woman becomes her own best friend, life is easier."
– Diane Von Furstenberg.
Thoughts, quotes and determination can make a woman stronger, a survivor but she is a winner regardless.
This book is the story of every woman, you might find your reflection too.
A journey into what keeps us women ticking.
What annoys the hell out of us?
What are we women really about?
How does the world see us?
Is the world changing for us or are we just dreaming?
What is our success and what it means to a woman?
We Women Wonder, I often do, don’t you?
My Review
'We Women Wonder' brings focus on the myriad struggles, dreams, circumstances women face in their life. The various situations and emotions have been beautifully articulated by the author, which I am sure will resonate with most of the women.
Alphabetically arranged, every chapter addresses a subject which makes one think and introspect. Each topic makes one question the circumstances, issues and the solution that we, women, have taken to make life better for ourselves and those around us. Without being judgmental, the author has expressed her views which are quite relatable and apt for the times we live in. The chapters end with a thoughtful quote adding to the charm of each topic.
Since the author has taken the experiences from her own life, I couldn’t help but smile when a few resonated with the incidents of my life. The best takeaway was the advice to keep yourself healthy and active. It is very important not to lose one’s own personality in the daily humdrum and responsibilities of work and home.
Ms Uppal has covered stages of a woman’s life and the related dreams and desires in a comprehensive and realistic way making the collection not only interesting but thought-provoking too. Kudos!
Grab your copy @
About the author

A sprinkling of fiction, a dash of books, and a bit of opinion add to the eclectic mix that is Eloquent Articulation, her blog.
Books, editing, writing, and blogging keep her busy whenever she gets a breather from mothering her ‘too tricky to handle son’.
An Army brat, she now joins her adorable Army hubby across the country. "
You can stalk her @
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